ArtPrize Nine: Let Go

ArtPrize Nine Let Go by artist and facilitator Pamela Alderman will be showcased at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel from September 20 through October 8, 2017. The 19 x 6 foot mixed media painting is made of acrylic, paper, and transparent fabric on five wood panels. One hundred twenty-six participants pre-submitted handwritten Let Go sentences…


ArtPrize Nine 2017!

ArtPrize Nine, Let Go (detail shown), Pamela Alderman, 19 x 6 feet, Multi media, 2017 I’ve actually lived through eight ArtPrizes, earned all eight t-shirts, and watched amazing provisions unfold over the past eight years. But even after eight years of ArtPrize experience, these questions still haunt me: Will I be able to pay for…


Living Art and Jones Sodas

Sometimes an experience grows beyond one’s initial purpose. I had one of those enriching moments when a group of at-risk young teenaged boys came to work in my yard. After our introductions, one asked, “Why is your yard so nice?” “I’m an artist,” I replied. “My yard is like one of my art canvases. Have…
