Grace Shining

The young woman divulged details about her perpetrators. Tragic stories. One man was a community leader. An authority figure in her life. Another was a family member. The sexual abuse lasted for more than a decade during her childhood. At The Scarlet Cord installation, this young woman quietly approached me and asked for a scarlet…


New Redesign on Web Site

Exciting news! My web site has just had a major redesign which was unveiled last week. If you’ve seen the old design, you won’t recognize it any more except for the artwork/content because the overhaul was complete and the fresh new look is very different; but the change helps represent how I have grown so…


The Scarlet Cord at Acton Institute

This unique event will offer insight into the world of human trafficking, while offering hope and ideas for action. Elise Hilton, author of A Vulnerable World: The High Price of Human Trafficking will speak about trafficking on global and local levels. Artist Pamela Alderman, whose work The Scarlet Cord will be on display, will discuss…


Soul Care

After reading Makoto Fujimura’s book called Culture Care, I have been more intentional about planning adventures for personal renewal and enjoyment. Last week’s trip led me to Chicago. When I stepped into the Impressionism Gallery at the Art Institute of Chicago, my soul found a resting place. Tears welled up from the immense beauty of…


Sexual Trauma Sutured Hope

“The same scarlet cord that tethers the children to their pimps can be used to suture their wounds,” said a young student when The Scarlet Cord was on exhibit during the Super Bowl in Phoenix. The student’s insightful words amazed me. Both visitors and supporters weave life and healing into The Scarlet Cord installation as…
