Courage Ablaze at the Grand Rapids Public Museum
Compassion (En Plein Aire) Watercolor on paper 14 x 16 inches 2014
Compassion (En Plein Aire) Watercolor on paper 14 x 16 inches 2014
Courage Ablaze will be a featured at GRCC’s Race, Ethnicity, and Identity Conference. The Courage Ablaze collection—depicts Congolese women and children living in West Michigan, who have endured unspeakable trauma with the spirit of true courage. Artist Pamela Alderman and Congolese leader Kizombo Kalumbula will discuss “Courage Ablaze & The Hidden War of Congo” from…
Wing and a Prayer Celebrating Children on the Autism Spectrum Voted Top 50 at ArtPrize 2013 Don’t miss Wing and a Prayer at Women’s Expo on March 14-16, 2014. Wing and a Prayer original paintings will be on display. Visitors will also have the opportunity to hang a wish or a prayer for children in…
Join the Vander Woude family to help raise funds for baby Evan’s medical expenses. On Tuesday, March 4 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m., I will be painting live at the Goei Center; my live work will be part of the auction to help the Vander Woude family. Evan’s story as told by a parent: Hi,…
Recently, I was encouraged by this tweet from Rachel, an ArtPrize visitor. Rachel posted the following vignette and amazing photo describing her experience at my Wing and a Prayer installation. Here’s a portion of what she wrote: One of this year’s exhibits was a breathtaking piece called Wing and a Prayer, based on a beautiful…
Thirty volunteers helped assemble almost 4,000 paper birds for my ArtPrize 2013 Wing and a Prayer installation. After the nineteen-day exhibit in Grand Rapids, Michigan, several organizations or individuals contacted me, expressing an interest in the birds. The birds continue to give hope flight. Most of the birds traveled to an inner city tutoring organization,…