A New Test of Courage

After posting Sabina’s story and image a few months ago, my friend Laurie asked me to paint another Congolese work. But Laurie’s request posed two challenges for me. The first challenge was to paint a watercolor painting. Four years ago, I had tucked away my watercolor paints—partly in frustration with my watercolor work at the…

Originals and Commissioned Art

Commissioned Art It was an honor collaborating with Wolverine Building Group. I enjoyed working with the old historic site plans for the backdrop and the hand-painted Plexiglas shapes of their defining buildings in the foreground. Cityscape No. 2, Pamela Alderman, Mixed media, 96 x 48 x 6 inches, 2018 Original Art Pamela Alderman’s hand-crafted, custom…

Healing in Arts Award

Thank you to the Office of Sustainability Practices of Grand Valley State University for recognizing my interactive healing art with sex-trafficking. It’s a real honor as an artist and community member to receive the Sustainability Champion Award. Thank you so very much! This award also goes to all my volunteers—my collaborators—who work so hard to…

A 17 Mile Journey

While walking seventeen miles through New York City, I invited individuals to respond to my interactive art as I stopped on sidewalks, waited in line at famous tourist attractions, or sat in Starbucks. I challenged others to live generously and be part of the solution to healing our broken world. My artwork spoke of compassion…

Love Crosses Borders

Babette’s Hands, Paper collage panels, 9×4 feet, 2018 Artist Statement Babette’s Hands. A symbol of humanity. With her hands, she stitches her world. A physical touch given—not taken. With her hands, Babette stirs the soup. A labor of warmth shared. With her hands, Babette kneads the bread. A redemptive pressing. With her hands, she artfully…

Babette’s Story

An artist is never poor.” Babette’s Feast by Isak Dinesen Do you know the story Babette’s Feast? Babette, once a famous chef, is a refugee, who escapes the French civil war and resettles in Norway. For the next twelve years, she cooks for two deeply religious sisters—without pay. One day, Babette’s financial position changes, so…