Let Go of Loss

This brave young woman agreed to let me print her Let Go letter. A story of rejection and loss. Her honesty and candor gives the reader a glimpse into the struggle of letting go. Often the act of letting go isn’t simply a one-time event. Sometimes the hurt is so deep and searing that the…

Let Go of Pain

Dad, you’re supposed to protect me from people like you. All I ever wanted was your love and approval. My heart longs for a real father. Signed, your daughter This statement was written by a college student whose heart bled through the pen as her pain-filled words gushed onto paper. Like this young woman, the…

Healing Art: PTSD and Soldier Suicide

In 2016, my work called Hometown Hero II exhibited at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. with Reflections of Generosity—a traveling exhibit that promotes healing for our military families. This year’s work continues to support our military families. The following Let Go letter is about the difficult journey of one Blue Star Mom whose son attempted…