Let Go statements from the ArtPrize participants:
I’m letting go of lost friendships.
I’m letting go of my body shame.
I’m letting go of changes that I think you should make.
I’m letting go of the past—everything that I cannot change.
I am letting go of caring about what other people think of me.
I need to remind myself not to look back and pick up what I had let go.
I’m letting go of unforgiveness for people who have betrayed me and hurt me deeply.
Let Go and Forgive
It’s hard to imagine what the loss of a child may feel like; let alone a situation where a child’s life has been taken by another. Yet Peter, the father, beautifully expresses his difficult journey—from hate to freedom—in dealing with his son’s death.
After my son’s death, I had to let go of the anger, and I had to let go of the hate. In time, I had to forgive.
Signed, Peter
Note: One hundred twenty-six participants pre-submitted Let Go letters and sentences to be collaged into the painting. The names and some details have been changed to protect identities.