Let Go statements from the ArtPrize participants:
I’m letting go of all the hate.
I am letting go of my shame.
I’m letting go of expectations.
I’m letting go of regrets about things I’ve said.
I’m letting go of the fear of never being enough.
I’m letting go of my failure in a broken relationship.
I’m forgiving my friends. I’m letting go of the judgments and grudges against them.
Let Go and Healing
Many participants wrote Let Go statements about difficult relationships. Interactive healing art invites honest reflection. And as a result, many ArtPrize visitors are experiencing a new level of freedom as they begin to Let Go of the things that weigh them down or drag them under.
I am letting go of all the hurt my husband has put me through. I know he doesn’t mean it. But it still makes my heart bleed.
Signed, Lindsay
Note: One hundred twenty-six participants pre-submitted Let Go letters and sentences to be collaged into the painting. The names and some details have been changed to protect identities.