It is surprising, in a way, how I could have written almost all of the one hundred twenty-six Let Go letters or sentences that were submitted. Though the details of our stories may differ, our struggles are often very similar. And these common experiences of pain and loss connect us like a dot-to-dot drawing.
Throughout ArtPrize Nine, new friendships have been formed and old friendships have deepened. The opportunity to support one another through interactive healing art continues to link us together and strengthens us to face the future. This letter about challenging relationships highlights yet another healing and hope-filled journey.
Dear Surrender,
My life is a mess. Over the past two years, I have hurt more than ever in all my life. I have felt so lost and lonely.
My heart says I need help, but logic says I need to protect myself from more hurt. Drink and eat more. Shut down. But the physical pain of overeating will not bring me peace. It only drives me towards more isolation and shame.
But it’s time to turn a corner. It’s time to reclaim my life. So here’s to surrender:
I am letting go of my perception of what a husband should do.
I’m letting go of a daughter’s choice to focus on sex and shallow relationships.
I’m letting go of self-judgment over my parenting.
I’m letting go of a dad who manipulates.
I’m letting go of a mother who has no clue.
I’m letting of a sister who stays silent.
I’m letting go of a brother who disappoints.
I’m letting go of a co-worker who has no right.
I’m letting go of insecurity and self-hate.
I’m letting go!Sincerely,
Called to Surrender
Note: One hundred twenty-six participants pre-submitted Let Go letters and sentences to be collaged into the painting. The names and some details have been changed to protect identities.