Let Go statements from the ArtPrize participants:
I’m letting go of pornography.
I’m letting go of a wayward son.
I am letting go of the hurtful words.
I’m ready to let go of feeling unwanted.
I’m letting go of trying to control my daughter.
I’m letting go of the fear of failure and rejection.
I’m letting go of the frustrations and limitations of getting older.
Let Go and Change
Meagan describes the insecurities many of us face. Even from a young age, many children already have an understanding of whether they are smart or pretty. But who defines smart or pretty anyway? What if every child was raised with Kathryn Stockett’s words from the The Help movie? “You is kind. You is smart. You is important.” The world would be a more gentle place, wouldn’t it?
It’s so scary to let go—it might change me, and I don’t like change. But I want to let go of my insecurities and thoughts that I am not good enough or smart enough or pretty enough.
Signed, Meagan
Note: One hundred twenty-six participants pre-submitted Let Go letters and sentences to be collaged into the painting. The names and some details have been changed to protect identities.