Broken Wings: Butterfly Effect

Broken Wings encourages students to overcome adversity through emotional strength and to diffuse negativity through kindness. The work challenges visitors to come up with their own creative solutions on how to stop bullying and help end school gun violence. After seventeen were killed in Florida, Jeff Veley, national bullying specialist, wrote about one student who…


Broken Wings: Giving Kids Hope

National bullying specialist Jeff Veley and I collaborated in making a few Broken Wings videos to give students, families, and educators new tools to deal with bullying and cyberbullying. Watch our daily updates as we release new videos throughout ArtPrize Ten. We also invite you to visit Jeff’s page and sign up for his free…


Influencing Culture Through Art

Broken Wings featured on Wood TV 8 Broken Wings Grand Rapids Public Museum 272 Pearl Street NW (west of the river) September 19 to October 7, 2018 Vote #66688 In light of the recent tragic school shootings across America, find out how you can create positive change from national bullying specialist Jeff Veley. Share your…


Broken Wings: Art That Involves You

To help solve our national problem of bullying and school shootings—from Columbine to Parkland to Santa Fe—what steps can we take to start a positive butterfly effect? Broken Wings is an artist/citizen work. This participatory installation invites a response. The work gives individuals an opportunity to get involved. To take action. Broken Wings visitors are…
