Recently, 75 Arizona high school kids participated in one of the Healing in Arts workshops. After watching The Scarlet Cord film, the students created paintings for their own exhibit on sex trafficking. They also invited family members and friends to write healing messages on 750 wooden hearts. The inspiring notes will be given to survivors at a residential treatment center.

For the Do 1 Thing Challenge, we discussed a few possible action steps:
- Educate yourself on what it means to get and give sexual consent
- Think critically about how the media depicts sexuality
- Stop viewing and texting pornography
The Scarlet Cord, an in-person or virtual workshop for high school students, deals with the topic of human trafficking and fosters empathy and action. The workshop includes the 11-minute Scarlet Cord film, a short presentation, and an opportunity to create an awareness painting. Participants are invited to take the Do 1 Thing Challenge to combat sex trafficking—our modern day slavery.
Thanks to all our partners who made this creative care possible!
#sextrafficking #AZ #artistwithoutborders #awareness