Yellow Ribbon
The Yellow Ribbon Project goes beyond the symbolic gesture of tying yellow ribbons around trees to welcome service members home. It activates interactive spaces to honor veterans and their families. By inviting viewers to write on the ribbons to acknowledge the sacrifices made by military personnel, the project adds a personal touch. This collaborative effort involves artist Pamela Alderman and Kent County Veterans Services.
An additional collaboration showcased Yellow Ribbon at nine Steelcase locations and spread awareness with a diverse audience. As their employees participated, the positive impact continued to grow.
Extending the initiative, the Blue Star Mothers, a support group for moms of military service members, contributed by adding nearly 30,000 yellow ribbons from the project to care packages for deployed soldiers. The responsive art created a micro-community of unity and support for our troops.
“Your service is not in vain. You are loved. You are appreciated.”
“Your service is appreciated and not forgotten. God bless you.”
“Thank you for protecting our home.”
“We would not be able to live life the way we are without people like you.”
Looking ahead to 2024, the Yellow Ribbon Project will expand with the unveiling of Art for Honor, an exhibit featuring artwork crafted by veterans at the citywide ArtPrize event in Grand Rapids, Michigan. This immersive art fosters a deeper connection between veterans and offers the broader public a chance to hear our heroes.