The Scarlet Cord: Raped

Raped, Yarn on loom, 17 x 49 inches, 2014 Children suffer traumatic pain every time they are trafficked—or raped. For many of these victims, the sexual abuse started at a very young age when the boys or girls were molested by someone they knew. Just as a ruptured appendix releases toxic poisons, sexual abuse releases…

The Scarlet Cord: Stripped

Stripped (Study), Yarn on canvas, 30 x 30 inches, 2014 Showing at Barnes & Noble of Rivertown Human trafficking touches all of us—even within our homes. Pornography first ensnared a ten-year-old boy when he clicked on a computer pop-up that read: “Funny NFL pictures.” The producers of pornography deliberately target children—stripping our youth of their…

Building Circles of Protection

17,000 red string bracelets given away at ArtPrize 2014 The Scarlet Cord: Healing for sex trafficked children. Help raise awareness and build circles of protection around at-risk children buy adobe illustrator. Visit The Scarlet Cord outside the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum (near the parking lot). Take the Do 1 Thing Challenge.

Peering Into My Soul

A young woman quietly approached the volunteer tent at The Scarlet Cord installation. When our eyes met, she asked, “What inspired you to create The Scarlet Cord?” I recounted to her how at nineteen I traveled to Europe. One of the stops on our tour was the Red Light Windows of Amsterdam. This was my…