Nearly 20,000!!!

ArtPrize visitors have added nearly 20,000 wishes and prayers to the Wall of Hope. With only two days left of the nineteen-day exhibition, my paper was completely gone. But that didn’t dissuade ArtPrize visitors. When I left my gallery room on Friday evening, I knew my paper supply would be gone by morning. But when…


Wings of Life

“Hey, Logan,” the kids taunted. “Go get the gas meter and bring it over here.” Innocently, Logan, who has Asperger’s syndrome, ran over to the gas meter and attempted to pull it off the house. As he tugged, the kids laughed. Logan mistook their laugher for approval. “But when the game was over,” his dad…


ArtPrize Visitors Speak

At ArtPrize, a young teenager said, “My brother has autism. He’s brilliant but he flaps his hands. Grown adults call him ‘retard.’ Thank you for getting it. Thank you for understanding.” Then she left crying. “This exhibit is my son,” said an attractive mom. “He loves origami. That’s all he does. I could hear his…
