Healing in Arts

Healing in Arts successfully creates community with a new healing paradigm for art making in a world where rapid cultural fragmentation alienates us. A superficial world where people ricochet from one activity to the next. A cyber culture where we rack up 5,847 synthetic Facebook friends. A culture where we spend less and less real…

Healing in Arts Presentation

Art is to console those who are broken by life. Van Gogh Healing in Arts is about caring for people. Brokenness is universal, part of our human condition. Whether individuals are experiencing distress from physical, mental, or emotional issues, art touches deep places within the human spirit. In 2011, during the Braving the Wind installation,…

Seattle Art Journey

The Gage Academy of Art challenged me to change. For seven hours every day in this Seattle art school, I studied classical portrait drawing followed by private tutoring in figure drawing each evening. Then one day there, a stranger gave me a gift of words. After I ran into an elderly Chinese gentleman in the…

“My Hero Is…”

The sound of lots of young voices: “My hero is…” A man wrote the name of the woman that hid his mother during the Holocaust. Hometown Hero‬ visitor: “This is what life is about. Honoring our heroes.” A military man crawled up to the painting on his belly to write the name of his fallen…