An ArtPrize Artist: How It All Started

ArtPrize ushered my 2010 paintings onto a large stage—with thousands visiting my Woman in Red collection that was created in partnership with the American Heart Association and featured at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel. Through ArtPrize over the following years, my work began transitioning beyond watercolor paintings to interactive healing installations that focused on soul…


ArtPrize Nine: Let Go

ArtPrize Nine Let Go by artist and facilitator Pamela Alderman will be showcased at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel from September 20 through October 8, 2017. The 19 x 6 foot mixed media painting is made of acrylic, paper, and transparent fabric on five wood panels. One hundred twenty-six participants pre-submitted handwritten Let Go sentences…


Living Art and Jones Sodas

Sometimes an experience grows beyond one’s initial purpose. I had one of those enriching moments when a group of at-risk young teenaged boys came to work in my yard. After our introductions, one asked, “Why is your yard so nice?” “I’m an artist,” I replied. “My yard is like one of my art canvases. Have…
