Interactive Healing Art with Youth Offenders

Broken Wings No. 2 in progress

Broken Wings No. 2

Broken Wings to Resilient Wings

A collaborative work with Girls Court of Michigan and artist Pamela Alderman
In partnership with the generous support of PlexiCase, Inc.

Broken Wings No. 2 finished

Every year thousands of Monarch butterflies migrate from Canada to Mexico. Somehow, millions of delicate butterflies successfully complete the dangerous 6,000 mile journey in order to escape northern winters. Like the Monarch, today’s youth need to learn how to push through many treacherous obstacles for survival.

As a dozen of us—Girls Court participants, 17th Circuit Court Family Division staff, and the artist, tediously painted the backsides of almost 600 mosaic tiles, the girls questioned the outcome: Would our effort actually turn into something beautiful and worthwhile? None of us could imagine the outcome because the thin blue plastic covering on the front side of the tiles wouldn’t be removed until the final class. We couldn’t see our impact—yet.

As we discussed the word “trust,” one girl said, “That’s a big word.” Trust is a big word—especially for female youth offenders who have been wounded from broken families, abuse, abandonment, or even sex-trafficking. But the girls had to take a risk and trust the artistic process as our mosaic butterfly secretly developed within the creative chrysalis.

When the final tile was glued into place, the girls gathered to witness the emergence of our Monarch butterfly. Their excitement grew as they located the tiles they had personally painted. Throughout our collaborative work, we discussed the importance of using kind words when speaking to each other, learning to trust the artist’s guidance, and collectively celebrating a completed journey. Together we produced an elegant butterfly, and as a result, our broken wings grew a little more resilient.

A special thanks to PlexiCase Inc for partnering with this project for Girls Court of Kent County Circuit Court.

Pamela’s collaborative and interactive art is donor supported.
You can get involved, donate securely on the Patreon web site.

The Scarlet Cord: Making

The Scarlet Cord Collection, which first debuted at ArtPrize 2014, helps raise awareness for sex-trafficking. But it also speaks to deep emotional wounds caused by sexual abuse. Many male and female visitors have taken the first brave steps towards healing while experiencing the artwork.

By using words or releasing tears in acknowledgement of what happened, the healing process for some begins. True inner freedom is possible. But healing takes time and long-term effort.

If you have a past history of sexual abuse, we would encourage you to seek healing for resolution and closure. Surround yourself with people who care, compassionate people who are willing to help you move forward.

What is the next step you need to take to find true healing?

Learn more about Healing in Arts…

Our healing art involves you—because you matter!

The Scarlet Cord and Midnight Wars

The average age children first become victims of prostitution is twelve to fourteen, according to the FBI. To help raise awareness and combat this problem, Kelsey Rottiers, the singer of Midnight Wars, and I, with The Scarlet Cord, pooled our efforts for this music video.

Kelsey and I have have discovered that we can make a difference through our anti-sex-trafficking work by crossing religious and social economic borders, confronting child sex enslavement, and calling for compassionate action. Awareness, prevention, and aftercare can be effective in the battle against human trafficking, our modern day slavery. Every effort counts—albeit large or small.

What is one thing you can do to help protect children in your area?

Learn more about Women at Risk International…

Our healing art involves you—because you matter!

The Scarlet Cord: Culture Care

The Scarlet Cord can be described as street outreach—culture care to the most vulnerable in our communities. Visitors, struggling from child molestation, college date rape, or sex trafficking, verbalized their pain—maybe for the first time. Several actually laid their heads on my chest and sobbed. Thirteen women in West Michigan confided that they had been sex trafficked. A student said, “I’m so ashamed of my past. I don’t want anyone to know.” These hurting people needed someone to identify with their sorrow, to acknowledge their pain, to touch them.

What is one thing you can do to help an at-risk child?

Learn more about Women at Risk International…

Our healing art involves you—because you matter!

The Scarlet Cord: The Inspiration

In partnership with Women At Risk International for ArtPrize 2014, my installation called The Scarlet Cord was housed in a 40-foot shipping container to raise awareness of human trafficking in the United States—the land of the free.

That year, thirty thousand ArtPrize visitors received scarlet cords—a reminder to build a circle of protection around children in need. As we tied the scarlet cords on each wrist, stories of past sexual abuse often spilled out. Many cleansing tears resulted. The Scarlet Cord touched the viewers in a significant way by helping to release the traumatic secrets through the offer of hope.

How many children are at risk for trafficking in your community? What can you do to help stop the exploitation of children?

Learn more about Women at Risk International…

Our healing art involves you—because you matter!

Summer’s a Comin’!

Artist brushes

It’s that time of year again. Time to power down for summer. It’s been a busy year!

I may check in a time or two here with brief updates on expanding The Scarlet Cord: Healing and Freedom for Sex-trafficked Children and other works. Exciting times—with my sex-trafficking work increasing.

Watch for my regular posts starting again mid-August as we ramp up for ArtPrize Ten. Yes, this will be my tenth year participating. I’m pleased to announce that my ArtPrize Ten work will be hosted by the Grand Rapids Public Museum. I can’t wait to unveil my Broken Wings collection and invite the ArtPrize audience to participate again.

Enjoy your summer!

Healing in Arts Award

Sustainability Champion Award from GVSU

Thank you to the Office of Sustainability Practices of Grand Valley State University for recognizing my interactive healing art with sex-trafficking. It’s a real honor as an artist and community member to receive the Sustainability Champion Award. Thank you so very much!

This award also goes to all my volunteers—my collaborators—who work so hard to serve the public through my healing art! Your candles shine brightly!