Interactive School Programs

Open Hands, a PowerPoint presentation with an interactive follow-up exercise, challenges students to make positive choices and rethink their responsibilities as global citizens. During the presentation, students learn about a fictional refugee character named Babette. Babette’s social status changes, after working years without pay, when she wins the lottery. Instead of choosing a new life…

Open Hands Invitation

Do you know the fictional story “Babette’s Feast” by Isak Dinesen? Babette, once a famous chef, is a refugee, who escapes the French civil war and resettles in Norway. For the next twelve years, she cooks for two devoutly religious sisters—without pay. One day, Babette’s financial position changes, so she decides to prepare a lavish…

Pop Up Art on the Golden Gate

Where in the world is Open Hands now? While creatively traversing the country, we’ve been randomly engaging people on the streets with this question: “How would you help heal our broken world?” Open Hands, inspired by Babette’s Feast on stage, first debuted on the streets of New York City in March of 2018. This mobile…

Hospitality Artist!

You are invited into my art. As a radical hospitality artist, I have created art that lets others respond. My interactive and collaborative work welcomes visitors like you into a healing place. Inside this safe space, viewers are invited to become active participants. This new type of art offers something unique: it lets you speak…

Interactive Event Art: A New Way to Create Community

Transform your next event from a blank canvas into a vibrant creative experience. Pamela Alderman creates interactive event art that will enhance your next team-building opportunity or themed event. Well known for her interactive event art, Pamela’s custom designed work helps communicate ideas, promote healing, and connect people. For your next community or group event,…