The Scarlet Cord: The Inspiration

In partnership with Women At Risk International for ArtPrize 2014, my installation called The Scarlet Cord was housed in a 40-foot shipping container to raise awareness of human trafficking in the United States—the land of the free. That year, thirty thousand ArtPrize visitors received scarlet cords—a reminder to build a circle of protection around children…

Wing and a Prayer: The Inspiration

Art’s interactive installation has a subtle power to serve as a healing catalyst. Visitors often experience new insight when given an opportunity to connect with the work. As the artwork begins to unlock the soul, the interactive installation becomes a place of hope and healing. Here’s an excerpt from Walker’s story that inspired an avalanche…

Welcome to My YouTube Channel!

Individuals may rack up 5,847 synthetic Facebook friends in our cyber culture. But, as isolation escalates and meaningful relationships dwindle, loneliness increases. To help address these relational needs, I create spaces, as a hospitality artist, to help viewers feel cared for and validated—through art. Our participatory art focuses on the viewer and on healing. To…

Courage Ablaze: Beauty and Ashes

In 2012, Courage Ablaze included seven-foot pillars portraying Congo’s stories of rape and images of the fierce determination of Congolese women. An eight-foot copper tree, the Flame Tree, held charred frames representing the eight million people slaughtered in Congo’s holocaust. The small pillars portrayed the courageous survivors rising up out of the ashes and rebuilding…

Join Our Team for ArtPrize Ten!

Who We Are We create spaces where visitors feel personally cared for and validated. Our healing work has touched thousands of ArtPrize visitors—one person at a time (ArtPrize is a huge art event held in Grand Rapids, Michigan). Last year, 70,000 ArtPrize visitors participated with our soul healing artwork by writing Let Go notes. Your…