Broken Wings: Making Prints

Art making isn’t easy! The printmaking process is very technically challenging. To complete a print, an artist needs to successfully complete a series of steps. If a mistake occurs at any point, the print must be discarded, and the entire time-intensive process needs to be restarted. Here’s a brief look into steps of printmaking: First,…

Broken Wings: Because We Care About You

Monarch butterflies are fragile, but they must also be strong and resilient. Every year the butterflies embark on a dangerous flight from Canada to Mexico. The resources that they so desperately need to survive are not always available, yet many push through and find ways to thrive. Like the butterfly, our children can be taught…

Broken Wings: Butterfly Effect

Broken Wings encourages students to overcome adversity through emotional strength and to diffuse negativity through kindness. The work challenges visitors to come up with their own creative solutions on how to stop bullying and help end school gun violence. After seventeen were killed in Florida, Jeff Veley, national bullying specialist, wrote about one student who…

Broken Wings: You Matter

I have this theory that if one person can go out of their way to show compassion, it can start a chain reaction. Rachel Joy Scott, first student killed, Columbine High School, 1999 Every person is worthy of compassion. Even people we find distasteful or crude. You know…the people that really bug us or grate…