Healing Art: PTSD and Soldier Suicide

In 2016, my work called Hometown Hero II exhibited at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. with Reflections of Generosity—a traveling exhibit that promotes healing for our military families. This year’s work continues to support our military families. The following Let Go letter is about the difficult journey of one Blue Star Mom whose son attempted…

ArtPrize Nine: Let Go

ArtPrize Nine Let Go by artist and facilitator Pamela Alderman will be showcased at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel from September 20 through October 8, 2017. The 19 x 6 foot mixed media painting is made of acrylic, paper, and transparent fabric on five wood panels. One hundred twenty-six participants pre-submitted handwritten Let Go sentences…

ArtPrize Nine 2017!

ArtPrize Nine, Let Go (detail shown), Pamela Alderman, 19 x 6 feet, Multi media, 2017 I’ve actually lived through eight ArtPrizes, earned all eight t-shirts, and watched amazing provisions unfold over the past eight years. But even after eight years of ArtPrize experience, these questions still haunt me: Will I be able to pay for…